Sunday, May 15, 2011

Hoover Dam and Old Route 66

This entry is for Saturday, 14 May:
First, let me apologize to those followers who went to find this blog at the link I provided between the time I sent the email and today. Blogspot (Google) somehow deleted my blog that I set up the night before I left for Reno, i.e., 11 May. What you are looking at is a complete redo of the blog from its creation to this entry. Yes, it was great fun having to do it all over again...another example of Murphy's Law at work here.
Anyway, today's ride went from Tecopa Hot Springs, CA, around Las Vegas, NV to the Hoover Dam, Rt. 93 south to Kingman, then roughly 100 miles along Old Route 66 east from Kingman, AZ to east of Seligman, AZ, then I-40 to through Flagstaff, AZ all the way to Holbrook, AZ, which was also on Old Route 66. Total mileage ended up being about the same as Friday, around 435 miles.
We had a very pleasant start to the ride from Tecopa Hot Springs through the desert towards Las Vegas along the Old Spanish Highway. This part of the ride was great with morning desert temps in the 60's. See photos.
Stopped at Hoover Dam to see the new Rt. 93 concrete arch bridge and walked half way across the bridge for great view of the dam from above. I was shocked at how low the water level is in Lake Meade behind the dam. It is clear that water consumption has been exceeding replenishment for some time now. Both of these structures are civil engineering marvels as you can see in the photos. Dave split off after the dam and bridge viewing to head back to his home in Sacramento, CA.
Gerry and I only were on the balance of this day's ride. I have posted a photo taken in downtown Seligman along Old Route 66 and another photo of the Wigwam Hotel in Holbrook, AZ. Gerry says this used to be a well known hotel chain and that he stayed in one as kid with his parents. There are only three Wigwam Hotels left in the chain. According to the Wigwam hotel owner/manager, they are booked up every night, and this night was no exception.
After dinner in Holbrook and on the way to tonight's lodging at the Holiday Inn Express (sound familiar from last year?), we stopped at a classic Dairy Queen for malt-favored ice cream of each of our liking (going to DQ is a tradition on our rides). By the way, the Holiday Inn Express has phones, TV, WiFi, and cell phone coverage in case you were wondering.


  1. Kathleen...thanks for following and commenting.

  2. Hoover Dam- oh one of the best family vacations, especially with an engineering father. Of course Lauren and I listened so well to all the technical mumble jumble (wink, wink).

  3. Come on wish you could have been on this visit...I just know it.
