Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Deals Gap and Cumberland Gap

This entry is for Tuesday, 24 May 2011:
Today's ride was quite short in total distance, a mere 275 miles. However, we road in three different states today: TN, NC and KY. The route taken was Rt. 64/74 east out of Cleveland, then Rt. 129 north to the Deals Gap Motorcycle Resort and over the Dragon's Tail, to Rt. 411 east and north to Rt. 25E north. As we finished the ride a thunderstorm was brewing as we approached and exited the Cumberland Gap tunnel. This ride brings the cumulative trip miles to in excess of 4,500 miles to date. We started in Cleveland, TN in the morning and ended in Middlesboro, KY. Middlesboro is located in the southeast corner of KY on the north side of the Cumberland Gap.
With the exception of the Dragon's Tail section of Rt. 129, this was a leisurely ride with nice scenery that included mountains, lakes, rivers, streams, farms and small towns. I have posted a few representative photos along the route.
The Dragon's Tail is a section of Rt. 129 that has 318 curves in 11 miles of challenging roadway. This road typically takes the life of one excessively speeding biker per week on average. Gerry and I had our photo taken at Deal Gap Motorcycle Resort which I have posted. I also posted the "tree of shame" that includes parts of crashed motorcycles strung up on the tree. Fortunately, we did not make a contribution to the "tree of shame" today.
Tomorrow's ride will be northerly mountain riding over secondary roads in Kentucky.

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